How was Rome split in two? With a pair of Caesars. Okay, now that we got that out of the way, the splits, Hanumanasana or Monkey Pose is dedicated to Lord Hanuman who was a powerful monkey chief, a devoted servant of Lord Rama in Hindu religion.
You can begin this pose by bringing one foot forward in low lunge and place your hands either side of the body on the ground or using blocks. It usually always feels good to take a half version first by leaning back so the front leg lengthens and fold your body over the top. When trying for the full posture, instead of stretching the front leg forward, try walking the back leg backwards first so that the hips stay facing forward instead of splaying out to the corner. If your hips aren't coming all the way to the ground use a bolster or blocks underneath the hips to help you feel supported and stable. You can try place your hands at heart centre in prayer, reach the arms overhead, fold forwards over the front leg, or even take a backbend if you're feeling especially open.
Remember this pose doesn't happen overnight so ease yourself in with a daily practice!